The missing link...
The missing link in a situation is the piece of information or evidence that you need in order to make our knowledge or understanding of something complete.
"We're dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution. "
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Copyright
In every day life...
... we experience many times situations that could have been resolved better had we had the knowledge to understand completely the situation. It is this lack of knowledge and understanding in any given situation which I am referring when I refer to the Missing Link.
We could ask ourselves...
... what was the missing link I needed in order to stop my relationship breaking down?
...what was the missing link that could have assisted me to keep my job?
...what was the missing link that could have prevented me falling out with one of my children?
...what was the missing link which would have prevented me being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes?
...what was the missing link that could have helped me handle my emotional and mental state of mind when I am was diagnosed with cancer?
We are greatly enhanced when we explore areas of our lives where the missing link could play an important role in achieving a happier, healthier and more harmonious life.
For example, the area and missing link might be:
Communication - by listening to understand instead of listening to blame
Authenticity - by disclosing openly instead of hiding behind a facade
Autonomy - by being aware of our insecurities and chronic patterns and not letting them inhibit us
Parenthood - by learning to parent instead of believing children grow up naturally
Intimacy - by learning to love unconditionally instead of loving conditionally in relationships
Healthy Personality - by being known unconditionally all the way through instead of keeping things a secret to ourselves only
Emotional traumas - by working on emotional traumas instead of continuously reliving them.
You can comment on the above by writing an email to [email protected]. I will appreciate any input you wish to offer - thank you.