About me...

We are by nature skeptical of authors and therapists that we don’t know. Especially, if the subject matter is very important to us. I propose therefore to give a summary of my background and experience.

 My qualifications include: Re-evaluation Counselling, Master NLP Practitioner and Adult Education Certificate. I am also trained in Transactional Analysis, Personal Construct Theory, Rewind Therapy, Metaphor Therapy and Clean Language. They all helped me along my pathway of becoming an Executive Counsellor and Life Coach.

I had a career in computers up and until the 1990’s when my focus changed from ‘things’ to ‘people’. As with cars and computers, it was essential that I knew how the components of the human brain worked and interacted. In my research, I was intrigued by the evolutional stages of the human brain from birth to adulthood, and I still am.

My experience of running personal and management development workshops for corporates and individuals started over 30 years ago. During that time, I mentored managers and senior professionals which led on to the development and delivery of mentoring programmes for corporate organisations.

Working with my good friend Jeremy Clare, a qualified counsellor and consultant, we evolved an innovative approach to personal development and decision making. We called this approach ‘advanced facilitation’. It required us to listen to their thinking and mental strategies for working through their issues. Our job then was to support them to follow their own thinking.

Alongside running workshops with Jeremy, I worked with individuals and couples as a life coach.. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with cancer in 2022 and stopped practicing. Eighteen months later, after receiving treatment for cancer, I returned to work and joined Reclaim Life in Leighton Buzzard as a volunteer life coach.. 

My reason for setting up this website and writing articles is primarily to help people work out for themselves how to overcome old emotional patterns that limit their awareness, spontaneity and intimacy.. And this is the essence of my work. 

Start your own journey of self-discovery through the power of just being listened to.

Mike O'Sullivan